Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from deprived backgrounds, which research shows underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their potential. It is an amount of money that is allocated to school based on the number of children currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals.
The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil, based on the number of pupils registered for Free School meals. We will be using the indicator of those eligible for Free School meals as our target children to ‘narrow the gap’ regarding attainment.
The Government are not dictating how schools should spend this money, but are clear that schools will need to employ the strategies that they know will support their pupils to increase their attainment, and ‘narrow the gap’.
Schools will be accountable for narrowing the gap, and performance tables include measures that show the attainment of pupils who receive the pupil premium and compare them to ‘others’ nationally.
Pupil Premium Reports and Strategies
Name |
Here is the strategy for 2021-2024...
How is the money spent?
At St. Cuthbert’s we use the Pupil Premium money to help raise attainment and to provide enrichment activities, counselling and support for children with specific difficulties.
It is imperative that children get off to a good start with their learning so all classes in Early Years are supported by a teaching assistant. This ensures that children can be taught in small groups, targeting their individual needs. Teaching assistants have had their hours increased so they can provide targeted support for pupils in reading and maths. Teaching assistants have been trained to deliver programmes that support children and have additional strategies to support individual learning needs.
At St Cuthbert’s, we have a clear philosophy that we want to provide children with opportunities and experiences that they may not always have access to. We enhance our curriculum with subsidised visits to places of interest and invite visitors into school to extend the children’s range of experiences. The children in Year 6 also have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit. Pupil premium is used to ensure that all children who want to participate, are able to do so. From April 2014, the Governors have agreed to use Pupil Premium money with curriculum money to subsidise for all Y6 pupils to attend a residential visit, as part of the curriculum.
"The Pupil Premium is used successfully. The disadvantaged pupils learn successfully because of the additional support they receive. This additional help has accelerated their progress effectively."
Ofsted 2015
How can I apply?
The process is straightforward and confidential. You can apply online using the Wigan Council service (Click below)
You will be advised at the end of the process whether your child is eligible, not eligible or if more information is required. If you require any assistance completing the form or if you do not have a PC then we, at school, will help you through the process. Please call into the office.
KS1 and Free School Meals
Since September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have automatically been entitled to a free school lunch under the 'Universal Free School Meals' scheme. However, parents registering for free school meals using the above link could raise an extra £1,300 for the school. These funds enable our school to employ extra staff and invest in additional equipment, resources and activities for the benefit of all children.
For further information regarding Pupil Premium please see the following links:
Wigan Council Pupil Premium Information