Year 6 Welcome Information
Congratulations on reaching the last year of your Primary School journey! In Year 6, you will be expected to work to the very best of your ability, to develop your independence as a learner and grow in confidence and resilience to become the very best version of 'you'.
The Year 6 staff working alongside you are dedicated to supporting, motivating and challenging you throughout your final year:
Mrs McAuley - Y6M class teacher Mrs Garner - Y6G class teacher
Mrs Naylor - HLTA Mrs Sarwarzada - TA Mr Campbell - TA Mrs Gavaghan - TA
What to expect in Year 6:
- As the oldest members of our school, there is an expectation that YOU will set a good example in terms of behaviour, appearance and attitude towards learning.
- Each morning we expect you to arrive at school on time, in full school uniform and be well-prepared for the day ahead. Year 6 provides an excellent opportunity for you to develop your organisational skills which will help prepare you for High School.
- The Year 6 curriculum is very tightly packed and therefore it is vital that we use our time in the classroom efficiently. As a result, you are expected to work harder and push yourself further than ever before.
- Each piece of work you produce should be of your highest standard and you should take great pride in the work you produce.
Notes for parents:
- Children are allowed to drink water throughout the school day. We ask that you provide your child with a reusable water bottle which can be refilled as needed.
- Children are encouraged to bring their own healthy snack for morning break such as a piece of fruit. Snacks such as crisps, sweets or chocolate bars are not allowed.
- Both Year 6 classes will be taking part in PE on FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Please ensure that they bring to school their PE kit on this day.
- Your child's reading record will be checked regularly. Please encourage your child to read independently or with an adult at home for approximately 15 minutes a day. After each reading session we encourage our Year 6 children to fill in their reading record detailing what they have read and with whom.
- Homework will be sent home regularly. Each piece of homework should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and will build upon the skills we have been focusing on in class that week. All homework is expected to be returned to school by 9am the next day in order to self-mark and address any misconceptions that might have occurred. Missing or incomplete homework will result in them joining the homework club at school, where they will miss a break time to complete the work.
Thank you for your support.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Year 6 in Action
Father Georgio visit
Half Termly Overviews for Parents
Name | |
Y6 Autumn Term | Download |
You are invited to attend one of the
Year 6 SATs meetings for parents
The powerpoint from this meeting can be viewed below if you were unable to attend.