Reception Welcome Information
Welcome to Reception class page.
Here you will find information on how to support your child at home as well as snapshots of our learning throughout the year.
Reception team includes:
- Mrs P Powell - Phase Leader for EYFS
- YRA - Mrs Naylor, Miss Hewitt, Miss Williamson
- YRP – Mrs Powell, Miss Johnson, Miss Stafford and Mrs Jasiczak
- Mrs Parkinson works across both classes
We look forward to working in partnership with you throughout the year.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions,
Reception Team
Reading is an important whole school focus. Your child will take part in phonics sessions each morning through our Read, Write, Inc programme. They will also learn reading comprehension skills through our English lessons. Your child will bring home two books each week; a Read, Write Inc. book linked to their phonics group and a 'Reading for Pleasure' book.
Please ensure you read regularly with your child (minimum 3 times a week) and sign their reading record. Your child should bring their Read, Write Inc. book and reading record in EVERY DAY.
Half Termly Overviews for Parents
Reception in Action
Autumn 1 theme is 'Marvellous Me!'
As our children embark on the very beginning of their educational journey, we start with the learning theme, ‘Marvellous Me’ to instil confidence in all our children and promote positive attitudes from the beginning. Through our carefully chosen texts, we are able ignite conversations and uncover the children’s strengths, goals, likes, personal interests and family life experiences:
- LLenas - The Colour Monster
- Antony - Amazing
- Meddour - The Friendship Bench
Autumn 2 theme is 'Celebrate!'
‘Pumpkin Soup’ builds on the children’s understanding of friendships and teamwork as well as introducing the concept of changing seasons and offering an opportunity to explore seasonal foods. ‘The Leaf Thief’ continues to explore themes around friendship, tolerance and seasonal changes. ‘The Nativity’ offers a simple exploration of the first Christmas giving our children the opportunity to understand the true meaning of Christmas and begin to develop a vocabulary based on this story.
Spring 1 theme is 'Homes!'
The wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts explored during the first part of the Spring term provide the perfect stimulus for endless writing experiences as well as extend the children’s thinking to possibilities of homes, habitats and environments beyond their locality. Central texts include:
- The Storm Whale in Winter
- Hello Penguin
Spring 2 theme is 'Growth!'
The texts ‘Lola Plants a Garden’ and ‘Plant the Tiny Seed’ provides excellent opportunities to write for a range of real purposes. ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ is a classic traditional tale and it provides the perfect ingredients for a captivating Early Years story.
Summer 1 theme is 'Wonderful World!
'The Woolly Bear Caterpillar' builds on the children's prior knowledge of the author Julia Donaldson and allows them to further explore rhyming words and stories. It helps our children to plan and prepare for their own outdoor learning and consider the changing seasons.
Sarah Roberts book 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' provides opportunity for the children to contemplate their place in the world as well as the responsibility they have to care for God's world and make positive contributions to it. Reception classes enjoyed a trip to Blue Planet Aquarium to find out first hand about creatures that live in the sea.
Home Learning Links
Useful websites to support home learning:
- BBC Bitesize EYFS
- Read Write Inc Parent Films -