R.E. News
‘At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a kind heart?
Mark this Advent by loving and serving the Other’s with God’s own love and concern.’ Mother Teresa
Thank you for all the support for the children’s charitable endeavours this Advent. As you know, being charitable, is one of our core values at St Cuthbert’s. Hence, all the money raised at the Christmas Markets today will be forwarded to homeless charities.
Thank you in advance for the support for the markets and for your, as usual, amazingly generous contributions to the reverse advent calendar project. All items will be taken to ‘The Brick’ next week. This is the Wigan homeless charity who '....provide a safe, solid building block for people in crisis, to make positive changes for good. We tackle the root causes of poverty and homelessness, encouraging aspiration.'
Advent Mass
Thank you once again to Fr Giorgio for inviting the whole school to our Advent Mass. It was a joyous celebration very ably led by our UKS2 children.
Once again a brilliant Nativity performance from our KS1 children this year. It was such a wonderful reminder of the incredible story of the birth of Jesus, and a lovely part of out advent preparations. Please see the KS1 pages for some brilliant photos and news of the performances.

Collective Worship
We have of course been focussing on Advent in our recent school and key stage collective worships.
'There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light'
John 1:6-8
Jim and Doreen from CAFOD visited our school to teach us all about Laudato Si!
CAFOD Lenten Fundraising
As a whole school we use Lent as a time to raise money for the CAFOD. Each class commits to entrepreneurial activities in order to raise as much money as we can.
this year we are so proud to say that as a school community we have managed to raise and absolutely amazing £1162.
Well done everyone!
Here are Y2S showing us how much money they raised but writing the word CAFOD across the playground! A whopping £61.50!
The Greatest Week!
We took part in a whole school collective worship to reflect on the events during Holy Week. Here is the Worship we used..