Thorburn Road, Wigan, Lancashire, WN5 9LW

School Office: 01942 222721

Early years centre: 01942 776628

St. Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we love, learn and pray: to grow in the St. Cuthbert's way.

  1. News
  2. Early Years Centre
  3. Story Time!

Story Time!

5 May 2020 (by Tracy Cottam (TCottam))

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We hope you have all had a lovely day in the beautiful sunshine we have had today.

Here is Andrea from pre- school to read you a story as you settle down after your busy day.

You might want to:

Get in your pyjamas

Find somewhere comfortable to be while you listen

Gather some cushions and blankets 

Grab your favourite teddy/ cuddly toy 


The Early Years Team